Storybook for Vue
How to add vue-play to your vue-cli project
I've spent the past few months experimenting with React and Vue in order to familiarize myself with view layers other than blaze.
I've been using a component-first approach when working with these libraries, and found Storybook to be an invaluable tool for react development. Before giving Vue a try, I looked for a . . .
Posted in: vue.js
true : false
I try not to be too pedantic about grammar, but I have a few pet peeves. It bothers me when people use less instead of fewer, and don't get me started on the overuse of literally.
In JavaScript, it feels like nails on a chalkboard whenever I see a conditional which redundantly evaluates to true
or false
. Take this example:
. . .
coffeescript => es6
I've been using CoffeeScript for most of my development work since 2011. In general I appreciate the language's brevity and features (most of which keep you from shooting yourself in the foot).
With the rising popularity of ES6, I decided to read Axel Rauschmayer's excellent book and take it for a spin with some of our . . .
meteor: how we use a CDN
We recently added a CDN in front of all of our apps after reading this post by Josh Owens. For our demo app, we saw an 84% reduction in overall load time, so I'd strongly recommend doing this for any production code. Listed below are the steps we used.
First, we created a CloudFront distribution for each app. The non-default . . .
meteor: how we define methods
I've been inspired by the meteor guide project to start talking more about the coding practices at Edthena. Keep in mind that the focus of these "how we" articles will be the techniques we have discovered while maintaining a large meteor codebase over several years. In other words, some of these concepts may be overkill for . . .
meteor: template instance
In scoped reactivity we learned how templates can maintain their own reactive state. A common frustration with this technique is that Template.instance()
is pretty verbose. This is particularly noticeable when writing helpers like these:
currentColor: function() {
return Template.instance(). . . .
meteor: collections by reference
You may find yourself in a situation where you need to modify a collection by name, or write a function which performs a generic operation on any collection. In these cases, you'll need to understand how to dynamically access a meteor collection instance by reference. In this post we'll explore these concepts with a couple of simple . . .
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