David Weldon

All Categories: vue.js(1) home

meteor: scoped reactivity

Raise your hand if you've experienced this problem - you have a template that works as expected, but it breaks as soon you render two of them simultaneously.

The most likely cause is that your template used a session variable to store its state. If all instances of a template share the same state, they cannot act independently. . . .

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July 13, 2014

meteor: check a user's password

Out of the box, a meteor application's server and client can agree on who the current user is. However, for some critical operations (like account modifications) it's sometimes nice to have the user re-verify her password after she is already logged in.

In previous versions of meteor, the only way to accomplish this was to . . .

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June 29, 2014

meteor: guards

A healthy dose of defensive programming is probably a wise idea for most JavaScript code, but it's often critical when working with meteor. In this post I'll examine one of the most common errors that meteor developers encounter.

You'll know what I'm talking about if you have ever seen something like this in your . . .

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April 06, 2014

meteor: local packages

You are no doubt familiar with the packages that come with meteor, such as accounts-ui and underscore. There are the community-written packages on atmosphere like iron-router and jade. But what if you need to maintain your own super-secret package, or fork one that already exists? Local packages are what you need.

Publish with . . .

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December 27, 2013

meteor: impersonating a user

If you are lucky enough to have users, some of them will eventually want help. One of the easiest ways to understand and diagnose a problem, is to impersonate (log in as) the user who needs your assistance.

Although the docs don't say how to accomplish this, there is a simple and secure way to get it working with the existing . . .

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November 30, 2013


All Categories: vue.js(1) home

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